1- Analysing X-ray tomography images using dedicated 3D image processing and analysis algorithms
1.1- Using X-ray tomography to investigate granular flow during silo discharging process
Surrounded by silo container, yet don't master the design w.r.t. type of granular material to handle
difficult to predict precisely flow pattern, local movement of grains
What we do know
granular materials are very good candidates for X-ray tomography investigation
Mechanical properties, cohesiveness of particles and silo structure (hopper angle, wall roughness) play important roles in flow pattern and discharge velocity
Discrete Element Method (DEM) is often used to predict granular flow
Design versatile silo that can generate wide variety of flow conditions
Investigate various materials and carry out mechanical propoerty measurements
Carry out time-lapse X-ray tomography study of silo discharge for different materials
Comparison between X-ray tomography data and structural-faithful DEM simulation
Info and data
Funds: Polish National Science Centre (NCN) - OPUS10 - 320 000 PLN (July 2016- Decembre 2018)
Team: L. Babout (coordinator), K. Grudzień, S. Waktola (PhD), K. Miśkiewicz (PhD)
Collaboration: Gdansk Univ. Technolog. (M. Szkodo, M. Niedostatkiewicz) / PAN Lublin (J. Wiącek) / INSA-Lyon (E. Maire, J. Adrien)
Open data: different studied granular packing can be found here and free of use under ODC licence.
versatile silo
Movie: a glimpse into X-ray CT experiment
reconstructed coronal views of silo discharge (sorghum, eccentric mass flow)
comparison between 3D tomography and DEM
1.2- Localising bridge ligaments along intergranular stress corrosion cracks
cracking has non-negligible social and economical impact on our lives
difficult to predict, even understand
What we do know
strong interaction between crack and material microstructure
in each case of damage accumulation the crack path is interrupted, deflected and bridged (see fig. top)
bridging ligaments can slow down crack propagation and increase lifetime
case of intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC)
extract bridges for geometrical characterisation
localise bridges wrt. crack front
comparison with results from Diffraction Contrast Tomography
titanium alloy: a myriad of applications (e.g. biomedical, areonautics)
very good performance at high temperature
strong dependance on microstructure
What we do know:
strong interaction between crack and material microstructure
in the case of lamellar microstructure (see fig. top), strong influence of α-colony and β grain boundaries on crack path
revealed by X-ray microtomography and EBSD
segment α-colony in 3D
segment β grain boundaries in 3D
segment crack
correlate crack with the other features
Main achievements
Creation of CHG directional filter bank to classify α-colonies of different directionality (13 different directions). (see fig. middle)
Segmentation of β-gb and crack also based on CHG filtering. Here mainy used to remove defects from the surface (directional filtering)
Quantitative characterization of the type of cracking (trans-/inter-lamellar) made possible (see fig. down)
Funds: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MS&HE) - 200 000 PLN (April 2011-Sept 2013) PhD of L. Jopek (segmentation of α-colony using CHG)
segmentation of α-lamellae using CHG-based method in the case of Ti alloy. Red boundaries correspond to β-gb and balck to some α-colony boundaries
3D view showing how superpostion of crack (grey) with α-lamellae and β-gb (yellow) can help understanding cracking phenomenon
increased number of patients suffering from asthma problems
CT scans helps in the diagnosis
difficulty in follow-up procedure, due to lack of quantitative method
software to quantify airway tree
localise tree cross-sections with potential closure problems
facilitate follow-up procedure for the doctor with pseudo-automatic diagnostic
defect correction for wall segmentation using HFA-based method
tree partitioning after skeletonization (see fig. top)
robust tangent estimator to reconstruct local cross-sections
quantitative analysis of local bronchi size and wall thickness (see fig. bottom)
Funds: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MS&HE) - 200 000 PLN (leader: dr M. Janaszewski. April 2011-April 2013) PhD of M. Postolski (Co-supervised with Prof. M. Couprie (ESIEE, Paris)
partitioning of the bronchi after skeletonization and graph representation
view and analysis of a reconstructed bronchi section
1.5- Others
I have also been working on quantitative analysis of other materials science applications such as auxetic deformation of open-cell foams and analysis of defects in welding processes. More details here.
2- Electrical capacitance tomography: improvement of image accuracy
ECT: fast and cheap tomography method
main problem: reliability in data due to limited amount of measurements(image)
increasing the number of electrodes is not an issue
design rotatable sensor to increase no. of measurement
study sensor response in static and dynamic modes
sensors with 16 elecrodes wich fits to flow installation (see fig. top)
evident image accuracy improvement on static phantom as no. of rotation steps increases (see fig. bottom)
Current work:
improve image acquistion and reconstruction
feasibility study during dynamic measurements of pneumatic conveying